Paperspine Blog

Second Chance deserves a chance from Jane Green fans… by lipstickblogger
November 11, 2008, 1:42 pm
Filed under: Lipstick Blogger

I am pretty sure that I have read all of Jane Green’s novels so when I came up on Second Chance it was a natural choice for my next read.  Jane Green is a chick-lit staple in my literary world and although I have found some of her novels to be predictable, they are always fun, her writing is seamless and they always provide an entertaining read.

Second Chance is the story of four friends who are reunited after a terrorist attacks kills one of their closest childhood friends, Tom.  The once tight knit group have all gone their separate directions and are reuniting after almost 20 years apart to reminisce and to mourn their loss.  The friends reunited include Holly, a former free spirit now stuck in a loveless marriage with her workaholic, social-climbing husband; Olivia, a lonely director of an animal shelter, who recently had her heart broken by the love of her life; Paul, a writer whose blissful marriage with his fashionable wife is marred by their inability to conceive; and Saffron, a recovering alcoholic actress secretly involved with a married Hollywood megastar.  Not only does Tom’s death reignite their friendship, it causes them to reevaluate their lives and ultimately find true happiness.

It’s funny, although hindsight is 20/20, there isn’t much in my life I would do over again.  Sure, in the heat of the moment I might wish I would have done or said something differently, however I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and thankfully in life, we almost always have a second chance.

All the best!
Lipstick Blogger


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